Youtube stuff


After thoughts

My first video and it's pretty... eh. I agree with the main point of video, but I don't like the quality of it, the script feels like a poorly research high school essay and I hate my delivery here so much lol. Props to me somewhat using persona 2's message in order to make the video's message stronger tho. I take me not really liking the video as a sign I've improved in video making.

After thoughts

It sucks lol, don't watch it. I'm just glad I didn't make one of those "SOURCE MAPS ARE SPOOKY VIDEOS" lmao

After thoughts

Decent video, but fuck me I can barley speak in it for some reason, I think I was scared my mom would hear me talking about it lol. Like this video enough and the only things I would change are some technical stuff, but other than that it's good, passable but I like it. I consider this video in my perversion series which also includes the Sundome video.

After thoughts


After thoughts


After thoughts


After thoughts